Tuesday 7 February 2017

Back to Reality

The moment I landed back in the United States I almost shed a tear. You don't realize how much you miss being away from home until you finally return.

I loved being back in my own home with the familiarity of our living room and kitchen. I missed sleeping in my own bed and being able to put away my clothes and not live out of a suitcase. I missed my other roommates and being able to share stupid stories with them. I even missed our downstairs neighbor and her addictive cigarette smoking (she's good for a lot of jokes).

What I missed most was going grocery shopping and being able to cook all of my meals. I had the opportunity to try so many different foods and cuisines while in Belize and Guatemala, but there is nothing like being able to grill your own chicken to enjoy it over a salad. The grocery stores were a bit of a culture shock and I forgot how many different American brand foods there were. Even though there were so many good items to choose from, I do miss all of the fresh seasonal fruits available in the grocery store back in Central America. The pineapple here is way too expensive and definitely not as sweet as the ones in Belize.

I am so thankful to have had all of the opportunities that have presented themselves in the past 5-weeks. From working in a clinic in Belize, to snorkeling, feeding a monkey, going to 6 different village in Guatemala, and zip lining (twice!) there has been an endless amount of memories. I had originally planed to keep this blog as a way to remember my trip, but have decided to keep it going through rotations. It's a great way for me to remember all I have seen and learned during the busy weeks at work and for me to see who far I have come.

Feel free to keep following my way through PA school (and life in general)!

Nothing I love more than my own bed and writing about Guatemala 

1 comment:

  1. So happy to have back in the US safely. Thank you for sharing your stories, perspective and learning experiences with us on your blog. Can't wait to see what you do next!
